Monday, 6 February 2017

Explanation of Planning Process

Our production team, which consists of Thor, Robert and I, came up with a mind map of initial ideas which gave us a foundation to base the general idea of our film around. As a group, we were always well aware that we wanted to make a Psychological thriller, as this was a sub genre that interested us in terms of technical aspects, for example, how the use of sound can be used to make the audience think? Secondly, it was about formulating a narrative that both engaged and interested our audience, whilst retaining the conventions of a psychological thriller. After developing our narrative through writing a script and making a shot by shot plan, which gave us a general consensus of what we wanted to achieve in the opening 2 minutes of our thriller and the messages we wanted to create. I wrote a script to back up this plan and narrative, and after the production of it, we analysed it as a group and changed sections and added sections, so despite it being constructed and produced by myself, it was very much a group effort. For the majority, decisions were taken as a group despite being led by an individual, and that drove us to a successful plan and foundation to build and craft our film into what we wanted it to be. Overall, as a group, we worked hard and successfully as a group to achieve our initial ideas, we worked together to achieve an objective that started as ideas on a piece of paper and that's credit to our group and how hard we've worked.

Written by Connor Southwell

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