Monday, 6 February 2017

Explain the title of your film

The title of our film is 'Torpidity'.

Torpidity means 'lethargic' or 'inactive or sluggish', and for us, this really sums up the narrative of our opening scene of our thriller, because our thriller really questions the difference between dream and reality, and 'Torpidity' is a great word that reflects our intentions as a state of inactivity is exactly what we are after in terms of narrative and actual content present with in our film as we delve into questioning what is dream and what is reality. Our aim in choosing this title is that it will relate to the audience as I'm sure a majority of people have felt the feeling of being in a dream state or as the film displays feeling trapped. This feeling of torpidity is something that can happen to any individual and this is something that we really conveyed in the films opening sequence.

The word originates from the Greek word torpidus, which means 'numb' or 'stiffness', this is relevant to feelings that character feels, so in relation to word origin and historical context of language, this is evident with in our film. Also, as a production team, we wanted our characters to experience feelings of being trapped and experiencing panic, we want to present that Josh Masterson is trapped both in reality and in dream, and Torpidity perfectly captures this sense and that is our reasoning behind the title of our film.

Torpidity is a feeling that can be experienced at any time by any individual, whether in a state of dream or not, and this sense of Torpidity is a feeling that can be felt at any time.

Written by Connor Southwell

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