Thriller Script by connor southwell on Scribd
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Motifs in Film
A motif is a repeated item that appears throughout a particular film. The repetition of a motif helps the plot to advance and sometimes helps reveal the theme in that particular film. A motif is often something that is woven into a plot and in order to locate motifs, you have to be an active watcher of film, you must look for reoccurring patterns or items, colours, actions or dialogue we've seen before. Harry Potter is a franchise of films made from the series of books written by JK Rowling, and in the third film of the franchise; Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, a motif is repeated throughout the film in many visual representations.

A couple of scenes later, Harry Potter leaves the house in anger at the mistreatment he has been the

The final time the motif of the dog is seen is at the conclusion of the film,

To conclude, the variety of presentation that is used to show this motif throughout the film makes it highly engaging and interactive for the audience. It conveys one message and then tricks you into revealing another. This motif is all about characterisation of Sirius Black and this is done in many elements of representation, from visual to dialogue. It symbolisms so much from depression to companionship and its this that leaves the audience guessing throughout.
Independent Study- The role of men and women in Film Noir
In the dark and gloomy 1940s, the world was left scarred and fractured after the destruction of World War II, and this was reflected and used in film. Film Noir was a popular genre of film at this time, due to it's gloominess and darkness, it reflected perfectly the feelings and emotions of society. But in times of world invigoration, it was up to film to help reflect and be the spokesperson to aid this process, and with the exodus of Jewish Film Noir directors, producers and cinematographers from Nazi Germany to the US, they were able to understand the loneliness and complexity of this historical period. Noir was about using and exaggerating feelings of darkness, gloominess and what some described as 'the period the American Dream died.' How were men and woman presented? What personalities and qualities did they have?
Directors such as Fritz Lang left Germany due to Jewish heritage which would have left Lang almost certainly dead in a concentration camp. Lang left Germany to pursue his filmmaking career. Lang used personal accounts to add greater authenticity and realism to his films. Lang was an example of a director who presented the roles of Males and Females in different ways.
Directors such as Fritz Lang left Germany due to Jewish heritage which would have left Lang almost certainly dead in a concentration camp. Lang left Germany to pursue his filmmaking career. Lang used personal accounts to add greater authenticity and realism to his films. Lang was an example of a director who presented the roles of Males and Females in different ways.
The Role of Men and Women in Film by connor southwell on Scribd
Thursday, 1 December 2016
What’s the purpose of a film’s opening sequence?
The opening of a film is a highly important piece of the film making process. Not only does it draw the attention of the audience but also clearly establishes era and genre of the film which, as an audience member, it answers questions and also traditionally, you see a famous actor(ess) who is playing the lead in the film, and this usually draws connotations of heroism or villainous feelings towards this character through use of camera shots and movement.
Examples of different thriller films opening sequence
The Matrix- The Matrix is a sci-fi thriller made in 1999, the opening scene however contains conventions of Film Noir and shows a femme fatale in Trinity beating up member of the police force. It used groundbreaking special effects and the opening sequence was used to effectively show the world in which the Matrix was set and set up a film that got stunning reviews.
The Spy Who Loved Me- A 1977 James Bond film, its opening sequence contained a marvellously aesthetic ski sequence which involved a backward flip. These moves contains OO7 and when he opens his parachute, the Union Jack is shown to present Bond's loyalty to his country. Later in the sequence he exchanges dialogue with his love interest in which she says 'But James, I need you' to which Bond replies 'So does England'. An explosive start to a Bond film which proved a popular film in the trilogy.
Star Wars- The 1977 Star Wars is renounced at one of the best opening sequences in film history. The opening sequence involves a spaceship chase scene, and clearly establishes the genre, era and setting of the film. It started the franchise of Star Wars globally.
In the opening scene of The Dark Night (2008) directed by Christopher Nolan, the film is launched at the beginning of the titles as the Batman theme is played throughout the opening titles, this is clearly distinctive to the audience who associate that particular score with the trilogy of Batman films. This music is played a very low volume to create tension and creates a clear beginning to the film. To coincide with the films dark themes, the logos of Warner Bros foreshadows the opening of the film, which shows a bank heist before Nolan even introduces Batman. The darkness is a clear theme throughout the opening scene and the dark clouds behind the logo of Warner Bros connotes the evil that is yet to be created by the Joker played by Heath Ledger. Also within the title sequence, a cloud or smoke is presented to the audience, but as the smoke disperses, the bat symbol associated with Batman is visible, this is done to clearly set the scene that the audience are watching a Batman film and the newest of a trilogy. This is an alternative from writing 'The Dark Night' and in presenting the Bat symbol they provide a clear sense of beginning and build an anticipation within the audience.
The first shot is an establishing shot which clearly shows skyscrapers and tall, professional buildings. This presents to the audience where the film is going to be set; an industrial, modern city. Also, it clarifies time period and setting to ease the audience into the film. There is also a non diegetic, dull sound which replaces the trilogy music usually associated with Batman. This subtle change in tone
and intensity grabs the audiences attention and as it grows increasingly louder throughout the shot, it builds up tension and anticipates the audience as to what is to happen. Nolan uses non diegetic sound to full affect to increase the intensity in the film but also to symbolise what is going to happen in this opening sequence. After this establishing shot, a zoom is used to focus onto one specific window of the blue-tinted skyscraper. Shortly after the shot settles into place, there is a smash to the central window, this smash is amplified in editing to make it more powerful, effective and dramatic. Following this smash, there is a fast paced cut to a man wearing a clown mask in a nearby building. This character is observed to be wearing a clown mask, thus hiding his face and character from the audience, this makes the audience feel negatively towards this character, partly due to the fact he is holding a gun, and is conveyed to be the character responsible for the smashing of the window, which presents him in a bad light, also, the low key lighting and darkness when the cut is mad connotes the idea of evil and shadiness. The next shot is an over the shoulder shot which, thanks to continuity editing, shows us, albeit briefly, another character present alongside the man who is originally shown. After breaking the window, the two characters are seen to have a grappling hook pointed to another building, and after the destruction of a window seen beforehand, the audience becomes aware these characters are the antagonists. Their creepy masks are familiar to those used in Batman comics, that familiarity ensure the audience conclude that this is the work of The Joker, or his henchmen, as The Joker is the villain and a recognisable pillar in the Batman trilogy.
Following this, there is a mid long shot showing a person holding a similar mask to that of the attackers seen in the previous shot. The camera is seen to zoom into the mask as oppose to the person, thus conveying to the audience that the mask holds greater importance to the narrative than the
person who is behind it. When the cut is made from the over the shoulder shot to this mid shot, A loud clanging noise is present, which increases intensity and creates a sense of fear and anxiety amongst the audience. This music increases its volume, pitch and pace as the camera zooms into the mask, which creates anticipation and leaves the audience asking certain questions; who is this man? what is that mask? What importance does it have? Who are they?
As the camera stops zooming, a car is seen to come into the shot, and the man carrying the mask proceeds to wear it, as this happens, contrapuntal sound is used as the music becomes more upbeat and positive music, this creates a contrast and foreshadows that good will conquer evil eventually. Non-diegetic sound is used to emphasise the vehicles arrive into shot, the tyres screech and this indicates that the car was travelling at a high speed, also, it makes the scene more harsh, if no emphasis was placed onto the car, then the close up of the mask seems irrelevant and unimportant. The volume being created dominates the scene and draws attention back to reality and away for the almost dream like sequence of the mask.
Cross cutting is a technique that shows a scene whilst another is happening, its a clever and effective editing style which adds depth, intensity and creates tension within the narrative as it shows a course of events that influence the shape and direction of the scene. Cross cutting is used to full effect in this opening sequence. We are shown the characters we saw traditionally as they begin to zipwire towards another building, the camera is at a slight tilt which connotes danger around these antagonists as they exit the building they are standing in. This cuts into a birds eye view of the city below, presenting the audience with a sense of perspective as to the height and danger these people are going through as they zip wire towards another building. Also, as an audience member, its interactive in the sense that it presents you as the forth person on the zip wire before cutting away to show the characters on the zip wire to a mid shot to give the audience a sense of realism and present the danger these people are putting themselves in to reach the other building. Match on action is used to great effective within this sequence of shots as the see the men onset their journey, then see them on the wire before another low shot showing the denouncement of their descent. A quick dynamic cut is used to replicate the intensity and tension being built with in this scene as an over the shoulder shot is used following the landing of the characters seen previously. As an audience member, the use of the over the shoulder shot puts us in the car with the people in masks.
This is where we hear our first exchange of dialogue, The people within the car are talking about the 'job' they are conducting and then reference the 'two men on the roof', the dialogue provides context to what we've seen up to this point, however, the most important line spoken is 'I know why they call him The Joker' this concludes the evilness of these apparent henchmen and shows the audience they are carrying out a plot for their master, who must be The Joker. This also presents The Joker as the main antagonist in this film.
The low-key lighting present in the car reflects the thugs darkness and creates a mysterious and ominous atmosphere within the vehicle, and the contrast of the blue sky presents the calm before the storm, and although all is well in this city, it is all about to be turned on its head by the job these men are about to conduct. This cuts to a discussion between the two men located on the roof of the building. 'So why do they call him the Joker?' this puts more focus on The Joker and shows the spotlight is firmly on him and his entrance. 'I hear he wears make up', this gives the audience a physical presentation of how The Joker is looking and fans of the trilogy will be excited as The Joker is the main antagonist to Batman throughout the series, and fans will be keen to see the next chapter with in their battle to be on top, to see the battle of good vs evil and this is presented here. After these discussions regarding the Joker, we see a man with a bag enter the building presented to us at a low angle to connote power and significance, could this be The Joker?
After the line 'Nobody move', the bank manager fires a shot at one of the thugs, this shows the bravery of the man and his desire to stop evil. This also symbolises the power The Joker has over his henchmen, because despite their killing and work, they will definitely be killed by him as he seeks power and wealth. There is a quick cut that shows the man being electrocuted at the vault as the antagonists plans seem to be falling apart and this is carried on by the series of shot reserve shot exchanged between the bank manager and the robbers, as a more neutral angle is used to present the bank manager, as although he is fighting evil, he will be killed by the villains as they seek power and control over the bank, the neutral mid shot is used because although he is showing tremendous bravery in attempting to combat the villains, he is ultimately to late to start fighting back and has let several of his workers be assassinated by the villains.
Interestingly, as the bank manager is shot in the leg, he shakes but there is no blood present, this is to ensure that the age certificate of the film stays a 12A, so young comic book fans can see the next instalment of the trilogy in cinemas and the companies involved in the film maximise profit. A shot of the character in the mask who shot the manager is shown and as he is shown, the Joker theme tune is present, this is climaxing The Joker's incoming entrance and excites the fans who want to see his first appearance in the film.
We cut back to the men working on the vault, and once again the motif of the bag is present as a close up shows the contents of it being rolled out, this adds another layer to the narrative and it becomes evident the villains are about to break into the vault and steal all the money present with in, the dialogue exchanged talks about 'the boss' and how there should be 'one less share', this shows the ruthlessness of The Joker and also portrays to the audience the greed present with in these villains as they are willing to kill each other for a larger stake in the money. As the vault open, we see a close up of one character spinning the vault to open it, as this is happening, it is clear that the other man draws a gun and shoots, but we never see the shot entering the victim and this is again to ensure the age certificate remains at 12A. The character on the floor of he bank is seen to be calmly strolling around the base of the bank, in control and power of the situation he has created. Another masked man comes into shot and loads his gun which is met with a soft underscore to build intensity and tension to the scene, this is when the elusive Joker first speaks and this is met with the volume of the underscore increases to reveal his identity and this to the audience is exciting as he is a figure stone of the Batman trilogy and this really kick starts the film.
The opening sequence in the Dark Knight is really interesting as it doesn't feature Batman at all, its an intense bank heist which obviously builds up the narrative and acts as a trigger point, it clearly presents evil and catapults the audience into the film, its clear they are watching a Batman film but also clear that they are watching an action thriller, and this differs to other films who ease the audience in, this was a film that was hugely anticipated by fans of the Batman trilogy and that excitement is built with a big budget, explosive bank heist to make the mouths of Batman fans water.
Examples of different thriller films opening sequence
The Matrix- The Matrix is a sci-fi thriller made in 1999, the opening scene however contains conventions of Film Noir and shows a femme fatale in Trinity beating up member of the police force. It used groundbreaking special effects and the opening sequence was used to effectively show the world in which the Matrix was set and set up a film that got stunning reviews.
The Spy Who Loved Me- A 1977 James Bond film, its opening sequence contained a marvellously aesthetic ski sequence which involved a backward flip. These moves contains OO7 and when he opens his parachute, the Union Jack is shown to present Bond's loyalty to his country. Later in the sequence he exchanges dialogue with his love interest in which she says 'But James, I need you' to which Bond replies 'So does England'. An explosive start to a Bond film which proved a popular film in the trilogy.
Star Wars- The 1977 Star Wars is renounced at one of the best opening sequences in film history. The opening sequence involves a spaceship chase scene, and clearly establishes the genre, era and setting of the film. It started the franchise of Star Wars globally.

The first shot is an establishing shot which clearly shows skyscrapers and tall, professional buildings. This presents to the audience where the film is going to be set; an industrial, modern city. Also, it clarifies time period and setting to ease the audience into the film. There is also a non diegetic, dull sound which replaces the trilogy music usually associated with Batman. This subtle change in tone
and intensity grabs the audiences attention and as it grows increasingly louder throughout the shot, it builds up tension and anticipates the audience as to what is to happen. Nolan uses non diegetic sound to full affect to increase the intensity in the film but also to symbolise what is going to happen in this opening sequence. After this establishing shot, a zoom is used to focus onto one specific window of the blue-tinted skyscraper. Shortly after the shot settles into place, there is a smash to the central window, this smash is amplified in editing to make it more powerful, effective and dramatic. Following this smash, there is a fast paced cut to a man wearing a clown mask in a nearby building. This character is observed to be wearing a clown mask, thus hiding his face and character from the audience, this makes the audience feel negatively towards this character, partly due to the fact he is holding a gun, and is conveyed to be the character responsible for the smashing of the window, which presents him in a bad light, also, the low key lighting and darkness when the cut is mad connotes the idea of evil and shadiness. The next shot is an over the shoulder shot which, thanks to continuity editing, shows us, albeit briefly, another character present alongside the man who is originally shown. After breaking the window, the two characters are seen to have a grappling hook pointed to another building, and after the destruction of a window seen beforehand, the audience becomes aware these characters are the antagonists. Their creepy masks are familiar to those used in Batman comics, that familiarity ensure the audience conclude that this is the work of The Joker, or his henchmen, as The Joker is the villain and a recognisable pillar in the Batman trilogy.
Following this, there is a mid long shot showing a person holding a similar mask to that of the attackers seen in the previous shot. The camera is seen to zoom into the mask as oppose to the person, thus conveying to the audience that the mask holds greater importance to the narrative than the
person who is behind it. When the cut is made from the over the shoulder shot to this mid shot, A loud clanging noise is present, which increases intensity and creates a sense of fear and anxiety amongst the audience. This music increases its volume, pitch and pace as the camera zooms into the mask, which creates anticipation and leaves the audience asking certain questions; who is this man? what is that mask? What importance does it have? Who are they?
As the camera stops zooming, a car is seen to come into the shot, and the man carrying the mask proceeds to wear it, as this happens, contrapuntal sound is used as the music becomes more upbeat and positive music, this creates a contrast and foreshadows that good will conquer evil eventually. Non-diegetic sound is used to emphasise the vehicles arrive into shot, the tyres screech and this indicates that the car was travelling at a high speed, also, it makes the scene more harsh, if no emphasis was placed onto the car, then the close up of the mask seems irrelevant and unimportant. The volume being created dominates the scene and draws attention back to reality and away for the almost dream like sequence of the mask.
Cross cutting is a technique that shows a scene whilst another is happening, its a clever and effective editing style which adds depth, intensity and creates tension within the narrative as it shows a course of events that influence the shape and direction of the scene. Cross cutting is used to full effect in this opening sequence. We are shown the characters we saw traditionally as they begin to zipwire towards another building, the camera is at a slight tilt which connotes danger around these antagonists as they exit the building they are standing in. This cuts into a birds eye view of the city below, presenting the audience with a sense of perspective as to the height and danger these people are going through as they zip wire towards another building. Also, as an audience member, its interactive in the sense that it presents you as the forth person on the zip wire before cutting away to show the characters on the zip wire to a mid shot to give the audience a sense of realism and present the danger these people are putting themselves in to reach the other building. Match on action is used to great effective within this sequence of shots as the see the men onset their journey, then see them on the wire before another low shot showing the denouncement of their descent. A quick dynamic cut is used to replicate the intensity and tension being built with in this scene as an over the shoulder shot is used following the landing of the characters seen previously. As an audience member, the use of the over the shoulder shot puts us in the car with the people in masks.
This is where we hear our first exchange of dialogue, The people within the car are talking about the 'job' they are conducting and then reference the 'two men on the roof', the dialogue provides context to what we've seen up to this point, however, the most important line spoken is 'I know why they call him The Joker' this concludes the evilness of these apparent henchmen and shows the audience they are carrying out a plot for their master, who must be The Joker. This also presents The Joker as the main antagonist in this film.
The low-key lighting present in the car reflects the thugs darkness and creates a mysterious and ominous atmosphere within the vehicle, and the contrast of the blue sky presents the calm before the storm, and although all is well in this city, it is all about to be turned on its head by the job these men are about to conduct. This cuts to a discussion between the two men located on the roof of the building. 'So why do they call him the Joker?' this puts more focus on The Joker and shows the spotlight is firmly on him and his entrance. 'I hear he wears make up', this gives the audience a physical presentation of how The Joker is looking and fans of the trilogy will be excited as The Joker is the main antagonist to Batman throughout the series, and fans will be keen to see the next chapter with in their battle to be on top, to see the battle of good vs evil and this is presented here. After these discussions regarding the Joker, we see a man with a bag enter the building presented to us at a low angle to connote power and significance, could this be The Joker?
After a tracking shot of the robbers running into what becomes apparent is a bank, a quicker cut is used back to the men of the roof. 'A silent alarm' shows clear expertise in the role they are carrying out to aide this particular robbery, also, the amount of wires and electricals present . After this brief discussion we cut back into the building, this quick exchange of cuts builds tension and anticipation of what is being constructed by the villains in this opening sequence. After the alarm, we see the same bag that's been shown throughout the sequence, this conveys the significance of what is inside it. The next shot is a mid shot of the Bank manager who looks calm as he takes off his glasses, his suit shows to the audience he is of the upper class and isn't feared or worried regarding the break in of his bank. A slow cut is used show the entrance of the metal drill penetrating the metal door, this slow cut helps the audience see the difference between the frantic nature of the killers on the bottom floor and their mission to kill and get supremacy, whereas their is a more skilled, reserved nature present within the robbers who are breaking into the bank, the mixture of slow and quick cuts show that many things are happening at once and shows the fractiousness of the killers who are strategically robbing this bank before the police or Batman become present.
After the line 'Nobody move', the bank manager fires a shot at one of the thugs, this shows the bravery of the man and his desire to stop evil. This also symbolises the power The Joker has over his henchmen, because despite their killing and work, they will definitely be killed by him as he seeks power and wealth. There is a quick cut that shows the man being electrocuted at the vault as the antagonists plans seem to be falling apart and this is carried on by the series of shot reserve shot exchanged between the bank manager and the robbers, as a more neutral angle is used to present the bank manager, as although he is fighting evil, he will be killed by the villains as they seek power and control over the bank, the neutral mid shot is used because although he is showing tremendous bravery in attempting to combat the villains, he is ultimately to late to start fighting back and has let several of his workers be assassinated by the villains.
Interestingly, as the bank manager is shot in the leg, he shakes but there is no blood present, this is to ensure that the age certificate of the film stays a 12A, so young comic book fans can see the next instalment of the trilogy in cinemas and the companies involved in the film maximise profit. A shot of the character in the mask who shot the manager is shown and as he is shown, the Joker theme tune is present, this is climaxing The Joker's incoming entrance and excites the fans who want to see his first appearance in the film.
We cut back to the men working on the vault, and once again the motif of the bag is present as a close up shows the contents of it being rolled out, this adds another layer to the narrative and it becomes evident the villains are about to break into the vault and steal all the money present with in, the dialogue exchanged talks about 'the boss' and how there should be 'one less share', this shows the ruthlessness of The Joker and also portrays to the audience the greed present with in these villains as they are willing to kill each other for a larger stake in the money. As the vault open, we see a close up of one character spinning the vault to open it, as this is happening, it is clear that the other man draws a gun and shoots, but we never see the shot entering the victim and this is again to ensure the age certificate remains at 12A. The character on the floor of he bank is seen to be calmly strolling around the base of the bank, in control and power of the situation he has created. Another masked man comes into shot and loads his gun which is met with a soft underscore to build intensity and tension to the scene, this is when the elusive Joker first speaks and this is met with the volume of the underscore increases to reveal his identity and this to the audience is exciting as he is a figure stone of the Batman trilogy and this really kick starts the film.
The opening sequence in the Dark Knight is really interesting as it doesn't feature Batman at all, its an intense bank heist which obviously builds up the narrative and acts as a trigger point, it clearly presents evil and catapults the audience into the film, its clear they are watching a Batman film but also clear that they are watching an action thriller, and this differs to other films who ease the audience in, this was a film that was hugely anticipated by fans of the Batman trilogy and that excitement is built with a big budget, explosive bank heist to make the mouths of Batman fans water.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Thriller FIlm Analysis
The Avengers Assemble is an action film directed by Joss Wheldon in 2012. It was produced by Marvel and had a budget of around $220,000,000. But what made this film successful? How did Wheldon use sound, lighting and editing to cause effect in this clip, and what impact does this have on the audience?
This screenshot provides a great example of a technique that is used excessively in The Avengers. The rule of thirds is used by Seumas McGarvey (Cinematographer of the Avengers) to comply with the theory of thirds. This is used to place the subject of the scene, Natasha Romanoff, slightly to left of shot, which not only is pleasing to the human eye but also creates several connotations. The first of which is this is an exchange between Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner, the shot reverse shot method is used to display both sides of the dialogue being presented to the audience, but there are also other characters present when this exchange occurs, so why is the focus on these two characters? The close ups used during the shot reverse shot connotates the idea of sexual tension between the two characters, the pace of the edit quickens and the shot reverse shot dynamics creates the idea to the audience that the only person the characters see is each other. Silence is used to perfection here by Wheldon as he symbolically highlights the feelings of lust and desire the two characters share in this moment. Depth of field is also used in the composition of this shot as it brings focus onto the relevance of the subject being magnified by the depth of field effect. This creates a mystery and the use of blur suggests to the audience that Romanoff has a secret or mysterious past, to compare this to the reverse shot of Banner; there is no depth of action being used to show his character, unlike with Romanoff. The effect this has on the audience is a sense of deviousness and the idea Romanoff is a character that cannot be trusted. McGarvey has used contrast very nicely in this medium close up by using depth of field because despite Romanoff's perceived heroism when she helps conquer evil and save Earth. The use of depth of field is clever by McGarvey as Romanoff is a character of Russian heritage, and as the Avengers is a predominately American film, it creates a deceitful and secretness of the Russian character.
Also used is desaturation, which is a technique, used after production to absorb the colour out of the scene and bring the black and greys out in the shot. This is used to connotates the idea of bleakness and foreshadows events to come. Also, the symbolism of the greys in the dialogue adds to the idea of poisoned love that can never be fulfilled by Banner and Romanoff due to the issues of Banner's anger and the difference in character. This adds to the idea of the character Romanoff is portrayed as by Joss Wheldon. The lack of colour also foreshadows the battle as the darkness is symbolic of the events about to unfold as war is a grey and also mechanic event as the fighters have to forget about the death and fight for what they believe in.
In this shot, the intention of the cinematographer, is to show the power Banner possesses by using an over the shoulder shot, this shows us as an audience that despite Banner turning into the Hulk when he becomes angry is sometimes a decision that he can control. This creates respect due to the fear it causes amongst the other characters, so the use of the over the shoulder shot here is crucial in showing the switch of power from one character to another.
This shot helps to establish the position of each person, and get the feel of looking at one person from the other's point of view. The use of diegetic lighting from the sky is used to provide a contrast from what's occurring in the scene. For example, despite the fact a fight scene is about to begin, the sky is blue and pleasant. This could be to connotates that despite a big alien approaching the heroes; it is going to be okay. If pathetic fallacy was used here and it was raining, the impact this shot would have on the audience would be extremely different as it would create a more doomed and bleak outlook of the battle from the audiences perspective. In terms of camera movement, tracking is used within this snippet of the scene, as this follows a character and immerses the audience to make them feel like, as the audience, you are submerged into the scene, this creates tension and excitement for the audience, as they get a face on exchange which the character, it makes viewing more personal to each individual and provides a unique perspective in which they can draw conclusions regarding events that are unfolding in the scene. To match the contrast being created by the diegetic lighting of the scene, Wheldon also makes the directorial decision of using Contrapuntal Sound of triumphant music being played one the Hulk brings down an alien spaceship which is unusual to the beginning of a battle, this could be Wheldon presenting the unity of the team, and how team spirit with defeat evil, and the contrapuntal sound is used to highlight the good betters evil philosophy. It could also be used to foreshadow the conclusion of the fight; does this show that triumph of the heroes? Maybe, but also it creates an illusion for the audience to make them believe that a typical ending takes place.

This is a birds eye shot, this establishes the landscape and provides an overhead view of the destruction that is being created by the invaders on the ground of Manhattan where the film is mainly set. The diegetic lighting being used conveys a sense of realism, the scene below is naturally created by sunlight and this gives an authentic and real feel to the film. This is important to the audience as they relate to the film as its in a setting they can familiarise with, it also make the audience sway towards the characters who are saving the numerous people who live on this planet, that's personal to the audience as they are included in that bracket in this virtual reality. Computer Generated Images are used to create an illusion that the streets below on this establishing birds eye shot are real. In terms of Wheldon's perspective, CGI is a cost cutting and safety measure taken to protect the actors. In terms of genre, the conventions of an action thriller are the high budget explosions and weaponry, it matches the key conventions of this genre and that has been matched with the use of CGI. This helps portray a sense of realism within the scene and adds makes this easily distinguishes the idea of a thriller. The impact of CGI to the audience is that it enhances the overall experience of the viewer, as it creates a virtual reality which is addictive to the consumer.

This shot is a particularly interesting and relevant one as it invites the viewer to see the invaders for the first time following Hulk's destruction of their spaceship; this is met with groans of battle from the monsters looking to claim Earth as their own. In terms of camerawork, a canted angle is used when the invaders are on the side of a building, and to avoid the disorientation of the audience. A canted angle also makes the background morebalanced; Wheldon has used a canted angle to good effect as it surveys more the scene. Before this shot of the specific invader there is a pan of the invaders reacting to the spaceship being destroyed by Hulk, this is an interesting perspective to take, as most villainous characters are portrayed as cold and heartless, they are relentless killing machines but in this action thriller, the invaders are portrayed with emotion and this, for a slight second, makes the audience think about sympathising for the monsters, but they are quickly changed back to the action with a quick paced edit of Hulk smashing invaders, the quick pace of the edit is held after the outcry of emotion from invaders and the battle is halted, the fact this edit has been held is symbolic to the switch from invaders with emotion to the conventional killing machines and the audiences perspective is immediately changed.
In conclusion, the sequence engages the audience in many ways, the mise en scene are always high budget in terms of lighting, sound and edit. The narrative has to be engaging and the edit must be dynamic and versatile to match the action, and in this film, all of those are present, which makes the audience leaving feeling fulfilled and having witnessed the Avengers, they are left with plenty of food for thought.
Film Analysis by connor southwell on Scribd
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Evaluation of my Preliminary Task
Evaluation of Preliminary Task by connor southwell on Scribd
A quick note: Some of the screenshots on this powerpoint aren't showing correctly within Blogger, if you download the powerpoint from the Scribd website, they show in their entirety.
A quick note: Some of the screenshots on this powerpoint aren't showing correctly within Blogger, if you download the powerpoint from the Scribd website, they show in their entirety.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
As a group, when assigning roles, we considered many factors. These were:
- Who had experience in that particular role
- Who possessed the qualities for that role
- How would this impact our film?
Firstly, we assigned off screen roles. Robert was assigned to the role of cinematographer, This is because Robert is very capable with technology and knew how all the equipment worked, so from our groups point of view, this made the most sense because he knew what we wanted to achieve and his technology skills helped us achieve our dramatic intentions from an acting point of view, but also a creative point of view, as he knew what was needed to compose shots and how to shoot them, so for us, that was the most logical choice. Robert also assisted with lighting, being the cinematographer, he knew what lighting worked and what didn't, and our use of non-diegetic made it imperative that our lighting was perfect and matched the scene.
Thor volunteered to do camera work and lighting as this is an area he is particularly interested in and he knew what a scene needed in terms of lighting, and how to achieve the dramatic intentions of the scene through the use of lighting, which made our piece beautifully lit at times. Also, he worked behind the camera along with Robert in terms of camera work and how the film was shot.
In terms of myself, I produced the script and was more hands on with the directing and acting side of the film, although I did aid with lighting and composing shots. This showed my versatility but also desire to be hands on with all aspects of our film, this was important to me as I wanted it to be aesthetic as possible, Also, doing Drama A Level, I know what is pleasing for an audience in terms of dramatic intentions, and these skills were multi changeable with this particular task.
- Who had experience in that particular role
- Who possessed the qualities for that role
- How would this impact our film?
Firstly, we assigned off screen roles. Robert was assigned to the role of cinematographer, This is because Robert is very capable with technology and knew how all the equipment worked, so from our groups point of view, this made the most sense because he knew what we wanted to achieve and his technology skills helped us achieve our dramatic intentions from an acting point of view, but also a creative point of view, as he knew what was needed to compose shots and how to shoot them, so for us, that was the most logical choice. Robert also assisted with lighting, being the cinematographer, he knew what lighting worked and what didn't, and our use of non-diegetic made it imperative that our lighting was perfect and matched the scene.
Thor volunteered to do camera work and lighting as this is an area he is particularly interested in and he knew what a scene needed in terms of lighting, and how to achieve the dramatic intentions of the scene through the use of lighting, which made our piece beautifully lit at times. Also, he worked behind the camera along with Robert in terms of camera work and how the film was shot.
In terms of myself, I produced the script and was more hands on with the directing and acting side of the film, although I did aid with lighting and composing shots. This showed my versatility but also desire to be hands on with all aspects of our film, this was important to me as I wanted it to be aesthetic as possible, Also, doing Drama A Level, I know what is pleasing for an audience in terms of dramatic intentions, and these skills were multi changeable with this particular task.
In terms of acting, we, as a group, decided that to make the film as good a quality as we could, we needed actors that made the narrative believable. This being said, we decided to use A Level drama students to capture the realism and bring the script to life. Mattie is an A Level drama student, and by recruiting her to help shoot our film, we had a good actress who could show emotion and who was comfortable in front of the camera. She has played a range of roles, and talking to Mattie as a group, we decided she would be best suited to the role of the Inspector, as she could use her acting qualities to portray this character in the best way.
As an A Level drama student, I also acted in our piece, I played the role of the defendant. In terms of character, I decided to use a range of emotions as the Inspector continued to break down my character's resolve, the intensity was matched with shot's getting shot and snappy to show the impatience and uncomfortableness of my character.
I think our choices of character enhanced our film as it made the narrative more believable but also easier to watch as it was less cringy and arguably more professional.
As an A Level drama student, I also acted in our piece, I played the role of the defendant. In terms of character, I decided to use a range of emotions as the Inspector continued to break down my character's resolve, the intensity was matched with shot's getting shot and snappy to show the impatience and uncomfortableness of my character.
I think our choices of character enhanced our film as it made the narrative more believable but also easier to watch as it was less cringy and arguably more professional.
Preliminary Task- Script
The Interrogation
Inspector Robertson: Mattie Goddard
Marcus Greene: Connor Southwell
MARCUS GREENE is sitting at a table, faced with a empty chair and tape recorder. INSPECTOR ROBERTSON enters the room, sits, drinks for a mug and stares for a while.
Greene, not the first time I’ve sat opposite you at this table.
INSPECTOR ROBERTSON starts recording on the tape recorder and leans forward to question MARCUS GREENE.
Record time beginning at 5:01PM. The defendant was arrested on the 18th October 2011, the defendant was bought to his local police station, where he was arrested after a lengthy police chase. If the defendant would like to state his name and date of birth for the benefit of the tape.
Marcus Christopher Adam Greene. Date of Birth 12th July 1987
Mr Greene, as a previous offender and a man who only 2 months previous got released from prison, why were you involved in a police chase after the death of a young woman?
No comment.
Bit suspicious don’t you think Mr Greene?
No comment
Where were you on the night of the 14th October 2011?
I was with friends, out and about. You know how it is.
How exactly ‘is it?’ that a young women gets murdered then, Mr Greene?
It’s discrimination, just cos’ I have been in prison before, youse are adding 2 and 2 and making 5. It’s easy pinning this on me.
INSPECTOR ROBERTSON goes into a file and gets out a piece of paper, he reads from this.
2002, burglary. 2005, car theft. 2007, assaulting a police officer. 2010, assaulting a police officer. 2010, assaulting your girlfriend. Not a great track record, Mr Greene.
Those are irrelevant to this crime, Inspector, and my past ain’t great, I accept that. But I ain’t no murderer. Especially to a girl I loved...
So you accept you had involvement with Miss Russell, agreed?
Then, for a relationship, or ‘agreement’. How did a 23 year old women end up dead, sir?
MARCUS GREENE is visually distressed at this point, and stands up, and aggressively shouts at INSPECTOR ROBERTSON
I loved her, and this, all of this, was an accident, I didn’t plan it and you, sitting there in a cushy job, nice suit, money rolling in. You don’t understand, you never will. I didn’t mean to hurt her.
MARCUS GREENE is visually distressed and slumps over the table, sobbing, his anger has turned to guilt.
That will be all, Mr Greene. Recording finished at 17:07.
The Interrogation
Inspector Robertson: Mattie Goddard
Marcus Greene: Connor Southwell
MARCUS GREENE is sitting at a table, faced with a empty chair and tape recorder. INSPECTOR ROBERTSON enters the room, sits, drinks for a mug and stares for a while.
Greene, not the first time I’ve sat opposite you at this table.
INSPECTOR ROBERTSON starts recording on the tape recorder and leans forward to question MARCUS GREENE.
Record time beginning at 5:01PM. The defendant was arrested on the 18th October 2011, the defendant was bought to his local police station, where he was arrested after a lengthy police chase. If the defendant would like to state his name and date of birth for the benefit of the tape.
Marcus Christopher Adam Greene. Date of Birth 12th July 1987
Mr Greene, as a previous offender and a man who only 2 months previous got released from prison, why were you involved in a police chase after the death of a young woman?
No comment.
Bit suspicious don’t you think Mr Greene?
No comment
Where were you on the night of the 14th October 2011?
I was with friends, out and about. You know how it is.
How exactly ‘is it?’ that a young women gets murdered then, Mr Greene?
It’s discrimination, just cos’ I have been in prison before, youse are adding 2 and 2 and making 5. It’s easy pinning this on me.
INSPECTOR ROBERTSON goes into a file and gets out a piece of paper, he reads from this.
2002, burglary. 2005, car theft. 2007, assaulting a police officer. 2010, assaulting a police officer. 2010, assaulting your girlfriend. Not a great track record, Mr Greene.
Those are irrelevant to this crime, Inspector, and my past ain’t great, I accept that. But I ain’t no murderer. Especially to a girl I loved...
So you accept you had involvement with Miss Russell, agreed?
Then, for a relationship, or ‘agreement’. How did a 23 year old women end up dead, sir?
MARCUS GREENE is visually distressed at this point, and stands up, and aggressively shouts at INSPECTOR ROBERTSON
I loved her, and this, all of this, was an accident, I didn’t plan it and you, sitting there in a cushy job, nice suit, money rolling in. You don’t understand, you never will. I didn’t mean to hurt her.
MARCUS GREENE is visually distressed and slumps over the table, sobbing, his anger has turned to guilt.
That will be all, Mr Greene. Recording finished at 17:07.
Shooting Schedule
Shooting Schedule
- Date:
15th October 2016.
- Location:
The film was shot at City of Norwich School in a classroom.
- Actors Required:
15th October 2016.
- Location:
The film was shot at City of Norwich School in a classroom.
- Actors Required:
Connor Southwell: Criminal
Mattie Goddard: Detective
- Crew Required:
Thor Forster: Camera, Lighting and Editing
Robert Groom: Cinematographer, Camera, Lighting and Editing
Connor Southwell: Actor, Script Writer, Lighting and Editing
Mattie Goddard: Actor
- Costume, Props and Set Dressing:
Criminal wore a black generic hoodie
Detective wore everyday clothes
- Equipment:
iPhone 7
- Equipment:
iPhone 7
- Shot Numbers [From Storyboard]:
All Shots [6]
Lots of unused shots due to sound and acting issues.
Lots of unused shots due to sound and acting issues.
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